Besides enjoying the movie, you can also buy empanadas, Argentine wine, alfajores and more and we’ll have a raffle with interesting prizes!
The entrance is free, a contribution is kindly requested. The money, after paying expenses, is totally wired to Argentina, supporting specific, short term small projects. We support only recognized institutions (not individuals), and control the good use of the money.
Read more about the project we are supporting at this moment.
Remember to bring cash with you since we don’t have PIN.
Place: Benoordenhuis, Bisschopstraat 5, 2596 The Hague
The movie has English subtitles.
We hope to see you there!
El Patrón (The Boss) – 2014
Genre: Crime, Drama
Recommended age: Suitable only for persons of 13 years or over.
Synopsis: A humble land-laborer finds a job as butcher in the big city (Buenos Aires). His boss is a sinister character owner of large butchery chains, who forces him to sell meat in poor condition, and immerses him into a real slavery. To what extent is it possible to exploit a person? The overwhelming cruelty of the boss will end up in the tragedy. The boss it’s based on real facts that took place in the heart of the city of Buenos Aires.