Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Argentine Film Night: Elefante Blanco (White Elephant)

  • datum:28/06
  • tijd:19:30
  • locatie:Fundación Argentino Holandesa de Solidaridad
  • adres:Bisschopstraat 5, Den Haag
  • kosten:The money collected is totally devoted to charity projects in Argentina

Dear follower of the Argentine Film Evening,
We would like to invite you on Friday 28 of June to our next Film Evening  (with wine, empanadas and more) to watch ‘Elefante Blanco’.

19:30hs – Welcoming & Buffet.
20:00hs – Film: Elefante Blanco
21:50hs – Raffle & Prizes.
22:00hs – After Party with Buffet & Music

Help AANI (Asociación pro Ayuda al Niño Incapacitado; Association pro Assistance to Disabled Children):

During the flooding on April 2nd of this year they lost wheelchairs, mats, desks, computers, medical records, didactical and rehabilitation materials. The water raised over three feet, the Institution was closed and the water damaged all they had. Besides, due to the flooding, two adolescents had to be hospitalized.

The Argentine Dutch Solidarity Foundation is in contact with AANI and thanks to the realization of  events such as the Argentinean Film Night and the collection of donations, the Foundation is capable of actively helping out this Institution to replace the lost materials. For this reason we are kindly asking for your special support to make this project possible.