Latijns-Amerika magazine.

CEDLA Jubilee Seminar: The Visible City

  • datum:09/10
  • tijd:10:00 - 17:00
  • locatie:Pakhuis de Zwijger
  • adres:Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam
  • kosten:gratis

This seminar aims to discuss the relationship between researchers and the Latin American city as subject and location of social-scientific research. The discussions will be guided by questions such as ‘how do researchers visualise the empirical reality of today’s Latin American cities? And what analytic challenges does this bring along?’


  • 10.00 – 12.00 hrs – Visibilising the Invisible City: Reflections on changing representation in research. Keynote speech by Caroline Moser (U. of Manchester).

  • 13.00 – 14.30 hrs – How to make citizens’ cultural resources visible? With Caroline Moser (U. of Manchester).

  • 15.00 – 17.00 hrs – Reading the City from Home-space: The role of dwelling practices in visualising changing urban life. With Peter M. Ward (U. of Texas, Austin)

Free Admission. Registration required because of lunch reservation. Please register before 1 October at secretariat [at]

CEDLA is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2014. To commemorate this special occasion CEDLA is organizing various events and activities throughout the year. Keep up to date by visiting our website.