Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Cine Latino‏

  • data:18/11 - 09/12
  • tijd:21:00
  • locatie:Uitkijk
  • adres:Prinsengracht 452, Amsterdam
  • kosten:€9,50 / €8,50

Filmtheater de Uitkijk and CEDLA (Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation) proudly present a coming-of-age film program: Cine Latino.

In Latin America a new generation is taking matters in its own hands. Who are they? And how do they shape their identity and redefine gender – and sexual relations within a context of emerging global influences, the rise of social mobility and the quest for social inclusion? In this film program we will see how young Latinos are portrayed in Latin American movies, but also how they are used by the filmmakers to convey their views on society.

The Cine Latino film program consists of four Wednesday evenings in November and December of 2015. All films will be introduced by experts in Latin American Studies. 

F I L M P R O G R A M 

Y Tu Mamá También – Alfonso Cuarón (2001) 
introduction by: Dr. Arij Ouweneel

XXY – Lucía Puenzo (2007)
introduction by: Dr. Arij Ouweneel

Los Hongos – Oscar Ruiz Navia (2014)
introduction by: Ruby Sanders, MA

Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho – Daniel Ribeiro (2014)
introduction by: Dr. Fábio de Castro

For more information and reservations: Facebook event or