Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Land Grabbing in Colombia: Critical Perspectives on the Peace Process

  • datum:14/11
  • tijd:15:30 - 18:30
  • locatie:De Rode Hoed (Zwanenzaal)
  • adres:Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam
  • kosten:Gratis
Debate with Abilio Peña (Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz – CIJP, Colombia) and Juan Pablo Soler (CENSAT/Friends of the Earth Colombia).

Land is undoubtedly one of the most contentious topics in the Colombian peace talks. The conflict has led almost millions of people to flee their land, which was often grabbed for economic interests. In this seminar speakers from Colombian civil society will share their views on land issues in their country, in the context of the current peace negotiations in Havana.

The conflict in Colombia has in many ways been instrumental in forcing smallholder farmers, indigenous people and Afro-Colombians from their land. Over the last decades various actors took advantage of the chaos and relied on paramilitaries and criminal bands to take control of large swaths of land to mine for gold, explore oil reserves and establish palm oil plantations. Against the backdrop of the global rush for natural resources, new free trade agreements and the Colombian government’s promotion of mining and agribusiness, the demand for land is unlikely to dwindle.

This seminar is part of a wider advocacy tour through Europe and will offer a panoramic view on land grabbing in Colombia in the context of the current peace talks. Each of our Colombian guests will look at the land issue from a different perspective, followed by an interactive session between the panel and the public. What are the main causes of land grabbing in Colombia? How is land linked to the peace process and what are the perspectives so far? How can we ensure that our governments and companies are not complicit in human rights violations?

All speakers will be avaiblable for interviews. Contact Camiel Donicie (FIAN) by email ( or at +31-207700435.

Free entrance: registrations appreciated by email to Daniel Gomez

Languages: Spanish and English (simultaneous translation will be provided)

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