Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Political Crisis in Brazil: Roundtable and Public Debate

  • datum:12/05
  • tijd:19:00-21:00h
  • locatie:De Balie
  • adres:Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10. Amsterdam

Organization: CEDLA & De Balie

On Wednesday 11 May 2016 the Brazilian Senate will have voted on starting the impeachment trial against President Dilma Rousseff. This vote may lead to her immediate suspension and eventually to her dismissal. This is yet another crucial step in the gathering storm of political crisis Rousseff has been facing since her narrow re-election in October 2014. The once applauded Brazilian success story of growth, social reform, and political participation appears to have come to an end.

What is going on? What actors in Brazilian politics and society are involved, and how? What are the immediate political, economic, social and international implications? In this round table leading scholars will be presenting their reflections on the recent societal transformations and stimulate a public debate on Brazil in the eye of the current political storm.

Invited Speakers
Kees Koonings
Full Professor in Brazilian Studies at University of Amsterdam and Associate Professor in Anthropology at Utrecht University

Jose Luiz Ratton
Professor in Sociology at the University of Pernambuco, Brazil and Visiting Scholar at CEDLA-University of Amsterdam

Marianne Wiesebron
Associate Professor in Latin American Studies at Leiden University

Moderator – Fabio de Castro
Assistant Professor in Brazilian Studies at CEDLA-University of Amsterdam