Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Resource wealth and regional transformations in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • data:13/12 - 14/12
  • tijd:All day
  • locatie:Kohnstammhuis, Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • adres:Wibautstraat 2-4, Amsterdam
  • kosten:€50

Latin America and the Caribbean are changing rapidly. Since the start of the 21st Century their societies have been transformed by a complex interaction between market forces, government interventions and individual and collective initiatives in civil society. A wide variety of resources play a crucial role in this process. In addition to natural resources, the region also holds a wealth of cultural, political and economic resources, which are constantly used, appropriated and developed by citizens, companies and state institutions at all scales. Whether leading to new conflicts or new collaborations, the use of resources is central in region’s current and future development.

This two-day conference will address the relations between the use of these resources and the recent transformations in the region. By looking into the nature of these relations in different Latin American and Caribbean countries, cities and social groups, both similarities and differences in the region’s long-term change will be analyzed. The conference is open to a range of themes and approaches. Two angles are of particular importance: partnerships and conflicts in natural resource use, and cultural resource use in an urbanizing continent (see CEDLA’s research programme). Topics at the crossroads of these two angles are also welcome.

Important dates and info

1 November 2012: Registration and payment.
Please fill in the registration form and return it before 1 November to
To complete your registration deposit 50 euros to the bank account of NALACS:
Bank ING, account nr. 2563717, IBAN Code NL60INGB0002563717, BIC INGBNL2A.
Non-EU participants are requested to pay in cash on the first conference day.

Programme Committee

Dr. Imke Harbers (UvA University of Amsterdam and chair of NALACS)
Dr. Barbara Hogenboom (CEDLA)
Dr. Christien Klaufus (CEDLA and treasurer of NALACS)
Dr. Marjo de Theije (VU University Amsterdam and CEDLA)
Dr. Hebe Verrest (UvA University of Amsterdam and secretary of NALACS)
Dr. Annelou Ypeij (CEDLA)